PTO membership is important to the students and school community. The PTO is a Parent-Teacher Organization that supports OSHS with activities, events and programs, for students that the regular public school budget does not cover. The cost of running the PTO is offset by fundraising events and yearly membership dues. Past support has been provided to:

  • Cultural Arts Programs

  • Financial support for special programs and trips.

  • Contribution to the "Principal Discretionary Fund"

  • Support of club activities and programs including Drama, Musical and Yearbook

  • OSHS PTO Ram P.R.I.D.E. Scholarship

New ideas are always encouraged and welcome!

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month (during the school year) at 7:00 p.m. at the high school. Meetings will be announced by email. They are a great way to meet other parents, teachers and administrators. Let your ideas and opinions be heard and counted . . . come to a meeting!


We will gladly accept and thank you for any amount (more or less) you can offer to support the PTO.