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Shannon Chapman
Teacher: Art GS/MS
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Jeffrey Chong
Educational Data & Innovations Manager
Central Office
Jake Christian
Coach: Freshman Boys Basketball
Old Saybrook High School
Amy Claffey
Teacher: World Language
Old Saybrook High School
Heather Clark
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Karen Cole
Occupational Therapist
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Kristina Colella
Teacher: Special Education
Old Saybrook High School
Heather Conti
Grade 5/6 Integrationist
Old Saybrook Middle School
Thomas Conti
Teacher: Instrumental Music/Band
Old Saybrook Middle School
Jennifer Coogan
Speech Pathologist
Old Saybrook High School
Georgia Courtney
Food Service Worker
Old Saybrook High School
Amy Courtright
Teacher: Special Education
Old Saybrook High School
Barbara Cromeenes
Secretary: Secretarial
Old Saybrook Middle School
Ashley Custodio
OSMS/OSHS Health Office Asst.
Old Saybrook Middle School
Carlie Dailey
Teacher: Business
Old Saybrook High School
Canddy D'Amico
Teacher: Spanish
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Estrela DaPonte
Food Service Worker
Old Saybrook Middle School
Melissa DaPonte
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Emily Davis
Teacher: Physical Education
Old Saybrook Middle School
Kelli DeAngelo
Teacher: Grade 1
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School