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Hannah Newton
Art & Digital Media Teacher
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Jane Nichols
Old Saybrook Middle School
Jean O'Connor
Speech Pathologist
Old Saybrook Middle School
Patricia Olsen
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Barbara Pajor
Teacher: Grade 2
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Kelsea Pantages
Teacher: Special Education
Old Saybrook High School
Meghan Payne
Teacher: Social Studies
Old Saybrook High School
Timothy Payne
Coach: Boys Tennis
Old Saybrook High School
Shelly Peace
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Chris Perras
School Counselor
Old Saybrook High School
Leah Perrelli
Old Saybrook High School
Doug Perrelli
Old Saybrook Middle School
Brian Peterson
Custodian: Custodial
Old Saybrook High School
Anne Pilcher
Long-Term Substitute
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
David Plotkin
Associate Principal
Old Saybrook High School
Jacqueline Prast
Old Saybrook Middle School
Larry Redmond
Old Saybrook High School
Erin Reid
Tutor: ELL
Old Saybrook Middle School
Jonathan Reinecke
Part-Time Coach: Boys Baseball Asst.
Old Saybrook High School
Michael Riley
Teacher: Science/SocStd: Grade 6
Old Saybrook Middle School