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Laura Martino
French Teacher
Old Saybrook Middle School
Jon Mason
Part-time Coach
Old Saybrook High School
Amy Maynard
Teacher: Special Education
Old Saybrook Middle School
Marissa McCarthy
Psychologist: Guidance
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Susan McElhone
Teacher: Grade 1
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Kristin McLaughlin
Teacher: Grade PK
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Matilda Meade
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Sara Menga
Teacher: Fine Arts: Art
Old Saybrook High School
Laura Meyers
Social Worker
Old Saybrook High School
Cheryl Milone
School Nurse: OSHS
Old Saybrook High School
Jeremy Milton
Teacher: Fine Arts: Chorus
Old Saybrook High School
David Mitchell
Custodian: Custodial
Old Saybrook High School
Jeff Morin
Part-time Coach
Old Saybrook High School
Alexa Mulvihill
Coach: Assistant Field Hockey
Old Saybrook High School
Elena Muniz
Speech Lang. Pathologist
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Linda Muratori
Teacher: Grade 3
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Gunar Murtishi
HS Food Service Manager
Old Saybrook High School
Diana Nasser
Social Studies Teacher
Old Saybrook High School
Lisa Neithamer
Old Saybrook Middle School
Hannah Newton
Art & Digital Media Teacher
Old Saybrook High School