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Lisa Larson
Social Worker
Old Saybrook Middle School
Katie Lemieux
Teacher: Grade 4
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Bryan Levasseur
Asst. Volunteer Girls Soccer
Old Saybrook High School
Jody Lind
Teacher: Grade PK
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Christopher Listorti
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Pam Listorti
Interim Director of Finance
Central Office
Nanci-Lyn Lockwood
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Christine Logiudice
Old Saybrook Middle School
Erin Lopez
Math Teacher
Old Saybrook High School
Jane Luca
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Kathy MacDonald
Teacher: SRBI
Old Saybrook Middle School
Kaelyn MacFarland
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Ashley Malinovsky
Help Desk Mgr:IT
Central Office
Beth Malvezzi
Teacher: Music
Old Saybrook Middle School
Beth Malvezzi
Teacher: Music
Old Saybrook Middle School
Cathy Marble-King
Teacher: Special Education
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Michelle Marenna
Teacher: Special Education
Old Saybrook Middle School
Patricia Marshall
Teacher: Social Studies: Grade 6
Old Saybrook Middle School
Melissa Martin
Teacher: Health/PE .8 HS .2 GS
Old Saybrook High School
Melissa Martin
Teacher: Health/PE .8 HS .2 GS
Old Saybrook High School